My first touch of Rome was back in 2014 when I worked on a projects for a couple of months. I’ve stayed there from summer to December and it was good to rediscover it in the summer of 2022, maybe one of the hottest period ever.

The first thing I did after arrival was of course to explore a bit. I’ve carefully selected an accommodation near some park which Maps was showing as green. As you can see, it was anything but green, even wildfires occurred burning quite a lot of vegetation.

Remote work, exercise and exploration
Availing the fact that I could work remote, I effectively had two laptops with me and I hoped both of them will cope with the heat. Luckily, I had air conditioning in the apartment meaning that I could work in quite good conditions, but still sweating a lot.
In the morning, the rule was clear: I went to exercise as much and as early as I could. I remember I could cope quite well with the heat back in 2014. Now I found that it was simply harder to breathe and stop the sweat coming out. I tried to stay hydrated as much as possible. Still at 7:30am, the temperature was more than 24 degrees and to have an idea about my standards, 20 degrees is already quite much for me.

But nevertheless, Rome is a beautiful city full of history. A museum in open air. Fascinating architecture teleporting you in glorious times of a great empire.